What’s the secret to earning 6 figures + in private practice?!

Most therapists think it’s 5000 other things

Everything you need to help you make more money in your practice now.

It's not your marketing

It's not your niche

It's not your website

It's not another training

It's not the right therapist directory

It's not your marketing ✧ It's not your niche ✦ It's not your website ✧ It's not another training ✦ It's not the right therapist directory ✧

Babe, it’s your fee. 💸

Here’s the truth 👇

If you’re spending time on anything else like—

  • trying to perfect your niche

  • building a huge instagram following

  • getting all the trainings and certifications

  • or laboring over a beautiful website

You’re wasting your time! Facts: if you don’t have the right fee for you and know how to talk about it with your clients, literally none of that other stuff will matter.

Before you spend one more 💰 on yet another marketing training or website rebrand,

get help with the one thing that will actually help you make more money.

Not only will you learn how to make more money right now, but it will also make of all your future investments in your business so much more effective.

How I made $105k working only
12 days per month 🤯

Here’s what working “full time” in my private practice looked like…

  • Working an average of 12 days per month seeing clients

  • 4-6 clients per day that were perfectly aligned with my speciality

  • Charging an average of $184 per session

  • Having 3 day weekends, vacations, and going on multiple week-long meditation retreats

  • Starting my financial security journey and
    saving my first $10k

👆 a 6 figure + therapist who’s not more special than you

Addressing your money and fees takes your business from


“I working all the time but my income is all over the place. I’m not making what I need to and I know this can’t keep going like this. I know I need to add more clients to my caseload but I don’t have more room!”

to ➡️


“I have the exact number of clients that feels great for me and my clients come every week! I hardly ever get cancellations and my income is stable and predictable. I’m actually able to save money and take time off!”

The Fee Formula:

A Therapist's Roadmap to


The scripts, templates, training, and tools to start making more money in your private practice now.

10 Templates, Scripts, & Tools

  • Time-saving templates that make raising your fee a breeze

  • Scripts for every part of the process so you’re never lost for words

  • Email templates so you can update clients about policy changes

  • Customizable policy worksheets so you can build the practice that’s right for you

$2,500 value

7 Targeted Video Modules

  • Learn the step-by-step process to raising your fee effectively so you can start earning more

  • Update your cancellation policy to reduce no shows and say goodbye to income dips

  • Upgrade your money mindset and know-how so you talk about money with confidence

  • Feel secure about your fee in a way you’ve never felt before because you know exactly what to charge and why

$2,000 value

Group business coaching

  • Special for this round only!

  • 6 live group coaching calls

  • Business coaching and feedback in our private online forum

  • Get live coaching with Felicia to get the specific strategic and mindset support to apply these changes to your business

  • My private pay upwards of $1500 for this kind of feedback but you get that for a fraction of the cost

$3,000 value

$7,500 of value for →  $1,997

Raising your fees isn’t as simple as it sounds. 🤔

You need…

  • a way to effectively communicate changes to your client

  • new templates

  • new policies

  • a process for implementing this seamlessly

  • knowing how to communicate this in a way that retains clients

  • knowing what to do if a client is upset

  • knowing the exact right fee for your practice vs. one you pulled out of thin air

Imagine being expertly guided through every step…

…on your journey

to being more

financially secure, having more time to enjoy your life, and knowing you can be proud of the practice you built.

I did the hard work so you don’t have you.

Here’s what you get in The Fee Formula ⬇️

Tools & Workbooks ✍️

  • Customizing Your Fee and Cancellation Policies Workbook - step by step instructions and examples so you can have the confidence to build your practice the way you want it

  • The Magic Sheets Fully Loaded - the full version of my beloved fee calculator with budgeting tools, Profit First distribution and emergency fund calculators.

Scripts 💬

  • 10 Min Consult Calls That Fill Your Practice - an exact script for consult calls that reliably get you new clients (My clients rave about this script!)

  • Raising Your Fee With Confidence and Compassion - 5 pre-scripted ways to start the fee raise conversation with your clients to increase retention

  • Shifting to A Limited Cancellation Policy - a script for instituting a limited cancellation policy with existing clients

  • Objection Handling Scripts - be prepared with a set of effective responses to the most common client concerns about fee increases and cancellation policies

Live Coaching Calls 🧚

  • 6 Group Coaching Calls - get the exact strategic and mindset support to implement everything you’re learning in The Fee Formula

  • Group Business Coaching - access to an online forum to share wins, ask questions, and get unlimited support and feedback from me

Templates 📑

  • Fee Increase Email Template - A handy quick start email template to share your fee increase with clients

  • Fee Adjustment Notice - A notice of your fee increase that you can provide to clients and keep for your records

  • Cancellation Policy Update Email Template - A handy quick start email template to share your updated cancellation policy with clients

  • Cancellation Policy Update Notice - A notice of your fee increase that you can provide to clients and keep for your records

Modules 💻

  • Building Your 6-figure + Practice - welcome

  • Money Mindset Glow Up - heal your money mindset and create a wealth mindset

  • 3 Keys to Calculating Your Perfect Fee - learn the exact formula for your perfect fee

  • Income Increase - raise your fee with confidence

  • Predictable Income Fix - customize your cancellation policy and say goodbye to unpredictable income

  • Sustainable Sliding Scale - learn how to offer sliding scale or insurance without breaking the bank

  • Expanding What’s Possible - redefine and discover the authentic ways you want to live out your values

$7,500 of value for →  $1,997

“Okay, so you can help me earn more 💸, but isn’t that unethical?!”

If we haven’t met, I’m The Bad Therapist.

There’s a way to offer a range of fees while honoring your boundaries and energy and earning a good living.

How do I know? I’ve done it myself.

I’m going to teach you exactly how to do it too along with giving you the templates and tools to make it happen.

Imagine walking away with...

  • a fee that is specifically tailored to the life and practice you want

  • a process to offer a sliding fee scale that actually honors you

  • less sessions on your calendar

  • more money in your bank account

  • more freedom and flexibility

  • right fit clients that show up for their sessions

  • predictability and consistency in your schedule and finances

... all without having to re-do your website for the 100th time or be a social media queen to make it happen.

The Fee Formula™ was designed to meet you precisely where you’re at. You’ll get all the tools, resources support to help you progress to the next level… and the next.

You’ll never feel more ready than you do right now.

Let’s go!

You don't need another clinical training

You don't need another social media training

You don't need a better website

You don't need another clinical training ✧ You don't need another social media training ✧ You don't need a better website ✧

All you need is the right fee and the right resources to make all the difference.

With a fee increase of just $50, you could make 3 times the cost of The Fee Formula in just 3 months!

The Fee Formula - $1997

Enroll now

One Time Payment


Option 1: Best Value

  • 2 tools and workbooks

  • 4 scripts

  • 4 templates

  • 7 video modules

  • 6 group coaching calls

Total value: $7,500


3 Monthly Payments


Option 2: Pay Monthly

  • 2 tools and workbooks

  • 4 scripts

  • 4 templates

  • 7 video modules

  • 6 group coaching calls

Total value: $7,500

  • The Fee Formula begins October 7th.

  • You will have access to all templates, tools, scripts, and our online forum on October 7th.

    Video modules will be released weekly on Mondays.

  • You will have lifetime access to course materials.

  • Group coaching calls on Thursdays beginning October 10th at 9 pacific // 12 eastern and are 90 minutes long.

    Days and times of events are subject to change. Calls will always be recorded so you can watch replays.

  • You can always submit a question ahead of time if you aren't able to attend live.

    Every call is recorded and will be uploaded to our online forum for viewing.

  • No refunds. But I will always give you my best and show up for you and your big dreams! Please come to me and my team with any questions or concerns about payments.

  • It’s so easy, just text me FEE FORMULA at 415 349 4529 and we'll set up a phone call.